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Index: S

s elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
\S (non-Unicode whitespace characters): 10.1.2. Character Classes (JavaScript)
s objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
\s (space) metacharacter: 10.1.2. Character Classes (JavaScript)
\s (whitespace) metasymbol: 13.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
18.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
Sablotron C library (XSLT support for PHP): 11.4. Transforming XML with XSLT (Programming PHP)
Sablotron XSLT processor: 12.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
safe_mode directive (php.ini file): 12.4.4. Safe Mode (Programming PHP)
salt characters added to encrypted passwords: 14.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
salt string: 9.3. Authentication Using a Database (Web Database Applications)
9.3. Authentication Using a Database (Web Database Applications) Authentication script (Web Database Applications)
same-origin policy: 21.3. The Same-Origin Policy (JavaScript)
samp elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
samp objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
SAPI (Server Abstraction API): 14.1. Architectural Overview (Programming PHP)
14.10.1. SAPI Globals (SG) (Programming PHP)
getting name of: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
linking PHP into server via: 15.1.2. Configuring PHP with a Web Server (Programming PHP)
sapi_globals_struct: 14.10.1. SAPI Globals (SG) (Programming PHP)
Satellite CORBA Client extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
Satisfy directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
save( ) ( 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
save-crypt.php program: 14.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SAX: 12.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
scalar types: 2.2. Data Types (Programming PHP)
scalar values: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
scalar variables, array processing and: 4.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
scaling images: 9.7. Scaling Images (Programming PHP)
in PDF files: 10.4.1. Images (Programming PHP)
nonproportional scaling: 10.4.1. Images (Programming PHP)
Schemas for XML documents: 11.1. Lightning Guide to XML (Programming PHP)
scheme attribute, meta elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scheme property, meta objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
schemes: 1.2. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scientific notation: 2.2.2. Floating-Point Numbers (Programming PHP)
scope: 2.3.3. Variable Scope (Programming PHP)
2.10.2. Variable Scope (Web Database Applications)
call objects: 4.6.2. Local Variables: The Call Object (JavaScript)
7.3. Function Scope: The Call Object (JavaScript)
event handlers: 19.1.6. Scope of Event Handlers (JavaScript)
19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
functions created with Function( ): 11.5. The Function( ) Constructor and Function Literals (JavaScript)
global object and: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
lexical, nested functions and: 11.4. Lexical Scoping and Nested Functions (JavaScript)
overriding with pass by reference: 3.4.2. Passing Parameters by Reference (Programming PHP)
variables: 4.3. Variable Scope (JavaScript)
4.7. Variable Scope Revisited (JavaScript)
with statement and: 6.18. with (JavaScript)
variables in functions: 3.3. Variable Scope (Programming PHP), global, accessing: 3.3.1. Global Variables (Programming PHP)
scope attribute
<td> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<th> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scope chains: 4.7. Variable Scope Revisited (JavaScript)
frames and: 13.11.3. JavaScript in Interacting Windows (JavaScript)
nested functions and: 19.2.4. Registering Objects as Event Handlers (JavaScript)
Window as global object: 12.1.1. The Window as Global Execution Context (JavaScript)
scope property
td objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
th objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scope, variables: 6.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
scopeName property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
ScoreBoardFile directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
screen object: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Screen object (JavaScript): System information (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
screen property: 13.7. The Screen Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
screen property (Window object): System information (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
screenLeft property, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
screenTop property, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
screenX property
Event: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Event object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
MouseEvent object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
screenX, screenY properties (MouseEvent): MouseEvent (JavaScript)
screenY property
Event: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Event object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
MouseEvent object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Script directive (Apache): 19.2. mod_actions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
script elements: 1.3. HTML (Dynamic HTML)
6.3.3. Event Handlers as <script> Tags (IE 4 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1) (Dynamic HTML)
8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
script objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
script tags, debugging and: 2.12.4. Other Common Problems (Web Database Applications)
ScriptAlias directive (Apache): 19.3. mod_alias (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ScriptAliasMatch directive (Apache): 19.3. mod_alias (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ScriptEngine( ), Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
ScriptEngineBuildVersion( ) method, Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
ScriptEngineMajorVersion( ) method, Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
ScriptEngineMinorVersion( ) method, Global objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
scripting (see client-side scripting also client-side scripting)
1.8. ECMAScript (Dynamic HTML)
(see also client-side scripting)
client-side includes: 5.9. Client-Side Includes (Dynamic HTML)
cross-platforms: 4.4. Cross-Platform Position Scripting (Dynamic HTML)
dynamic changing attribute vales: 4.3. Changing Attribute Values via Scripting (Dynamic HTML)
dynamic content: 5. Making Content Dynamic (Dynamic HTML)
event handlers: 2.3.5. The Event Model (Dynamic HTML)
6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
linking to multiple frames: 5.3. Links to Multiple Frames (Dynamic HTML)
modifying style sheet contents: 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
positioning and: 1.5.2. Element Positioning and Layering (Dynamic HTML)
reconciling idiosyncrasies: 2.6.6. Custom APIs (Dynamic HTML)
scripting applets: 22.1. Scripting Java Applets (JavaScript)
scripting languages: 1.1.2. JavaScript Is Not Simple (JavaScript)
1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP (Web Database Applications)
1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP (Web Database Applications)
(see also PHP scripting language)
ActionScript: 1.4. JavaScript in Other Contexts (JavaScript)
default, specifying for entire HTML file: The language and type attributes (JavaScript)
embedded in browsers: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript (JavaScript)
engine for: 1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP (Web Database Applications)
language attribute: The language and type attributes (JavaScript)
specifying as MIME type: The language and type attributes (JavaScript)
ScriptLog directive (Apache): 19.9. mod_cgi (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ScriptLogBuffer directive (Apache): 19.9. mod_cgi (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ScriptLogLength directive (Apache): 19.9. mod_cgi (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
script_name( ) ( 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SCRIPT_NAME variable (CGI): 12.4. CGI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scripts: 2.3. Whitespace and Line Breaks (JavaScript) Adding a second or subsequent query (Web Database Applications)
(see also PHP scripts)
access to nodes: W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
adding multiple queries to: Adding a second or subsequent query (Web Database Applications)
combined: 5.2.1. Combined Scripts (Web Database Applications)
deferring execution of: The defer attribute (JavaScript)
executing: 12.3.1. Scripts (JavaScript)
execution order of: 12.3.1. Scripts (JavaScript)
for customer management: 10.2. Customer Management (Web Database Applications)
for the winestore application: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
11.1. The Winestore Home Page (Web Database Applications)
11.2.1. Viewing the Shopping Cart (Web Database Applications)
GTK functionality, loading with d1( ): 20.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
hiding from browsers: 20.3.1. Hiding Scripts from Old Browsers (JavaScript)
manipulating elements: 6. Scripting Events (Dynamic HTML)
modifying content: 1.6.3. W3C DOM Architecture (Dynamic HTML)
multiple in document: 12.2.1. The <script> Tag (JavaScript)
style rules and: 1.5.1. CSS Rationale (Dynamic HTML)
validating in XHTML: 7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1) (Dynamic HTML)
web or command-line context, checking for: 20.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
writing: 1.10. Exploring JavaScript (JavaScript)
scripts (current), name of ($PHP_SELF variable): 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
scripts objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scripts property, document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scroll( ): 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
13.8.5. Scrolling (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
scroll( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scroll attribute
body elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
html elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scroll property, body objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scroll value (overflow attribute): 4.2.4. The overflow Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
4.2.4. The overflow Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
scroll( ) (Window object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrollamount attribute, marquee elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollamount attribute, <marquee> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrollAmount property, marquee objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-arrow-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-base-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-darkShadow-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-3dlight-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-face-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-highlight-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-shadow-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar-track-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbarArrowColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbarBaseColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbarDarkShadowColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbar3dLightColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbarFaceColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbarHighlightColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbars: 2.6.3. Overlaying a Different Page (Dynamic HTML)
5.9.1. The iframe Element (Dynamic HTML)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
frames and: 4. Frames (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
in clipping regions: 4.2.4. The overflow Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbars objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbars property
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbars, visibility in window: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
scrollbarShadowColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollbarTrackColor property, style, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollBy( ): 13.8.5. Scrolling (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
scrollBy( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollBy( ) method: 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
scrollBy( ) (Window object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrollByLines( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollByPages( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrolldelay attribute, marquee elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrolldelay attribute, <marquee> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrollDelay property, marquee objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollHeight property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
scrolling attribute
frame elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
iframe elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
<frame> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
4.3. The <frame> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<iframe> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrolling lists: 6.4. The <select> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrolling property
frame objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
iframe objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrolling_list( ) ( 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrollIntoView( ): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
scrollIntoView( ) method: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
scrollLeft and scrollTop properties (Internet Explorer): MouseEvent (JavaScript)
scrollLeft property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
scrollTo( ): 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
scrollTo( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollTo( ) method: 13.8.5. Scrolling (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
scrollTo( ) (Window object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
scrollTop property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
scrollWidth property: 4.5.1. Centering an Object (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
scrollX property, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
scrollY property, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
search( ): 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching (JavaScript)
String object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
search and replace operations
POSIX-style regular expressions: Replacing (Programming PHP)
with preg_replace( ): Replacing (Programming PHP)
search-and-replace operations, using regular expressions: 3.10. Regular Expressions (JavaScript)
replace( ): 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
search command (pear): 21.3.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
search engine (mnoGoSearch): B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
search engines: 2.6. Cross-Platform Strategies (Dynamic HTML)
2.6.3. Overlaying a Different Page (Dynamic HTML)
search( ) method, lastIndex property and: 10.3.1. RegExp Methods for Pattern Matching (JavaScript)
search property
a objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
area objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Link object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Location object: 13.9. The Location Object (JavaScript)
13.9. The Location Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
location objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
search.1 script (browsing wines): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
13.3. Searching and Browsing (Web Database Applications)
search( ) (String object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
breadth-first: 19.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
depth-first: 19.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
site-search.php program: 19.14. Program: Site Search (PHP Cookbook)
searching: 13. Related Topics (Web Database Applications)
(see also browsing)
array for values: 5.7.6. Searching for Values (Programming PHP)
functions for: 4.7.4. String-Searching Functions (Programming PHP)
position, returning: Searches returning position (Programming PHP)
rest of string, returning: Searches returning rest of string (Programming PHP)
URLs, decomposing into components: Decomposing URLs (Programming PHP)
using masks: Searches using masks (Programming PHP)
searching web pages: 14.7.1. Links, Web Crawlers, and JavaScript Security (JavaScript)
secant: 2.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
secondary windows: 5.2.2. Secondary Windows (Dynamic HTML)
local time: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
setting for Date object date: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
UTC time, getting: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
UTC time, setting for: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
sectionRowIndex property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), tr objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
secure attribute (cookie): 16.1. An Overview of Cookies (JavaScript)
16.2. Storing Cookies (JavaScript)
secure property (cookies): 17.4.1. The Set-Cookie Response Header (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Secure Socket Layer protocol: 9.5.1. The Secure Sockets Layer Protocol (Web Database Applications)
(see also SSL protocol)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): 7.7. SSL (Programming PHP)
secure URLs (HTTPS), retrieving: 11.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
security: 21. JavaScript Security (JavaScript)
12. Security (Programming PHP)
5.1.4. Security and User Data (Web Database Applications)
9. Authentication and Security (Web Database Applications)
9.5. Protecting Data on the Web (Web Database Applications)
concealing PHP libraries: 12.5. Concealing PHP Libraries (Programming PHP)
cookie jar storage and: 11.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
cookies and: 16.1. An Overview of Cookies (JavaScript)
encryption and: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
checking password strength: 14.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
encrypting email with GPG: 14.12.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
encryption/decryption algorithms: 14.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
keeping passwords out of site files: 14.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
levels of encryption: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
lost passwords: 14.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
obscuring data with encoding: 14.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
protecting encryption keys: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
sharing encrypted data with another web site: 14.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
SSL: 14.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
storing encrypted data in file or database: 14.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
storing passwords: 14.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
verifying data with hashes: 14.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
eval( ) function, risks of: 12.6. PHP Code (Programming PHP)
file permissions: 12.4. File Permissions (Programming PHP), session files: 12.4.2. Session Files (Programming PHP)
file uploads: 12.3. File Uploads (Programming PHP)
distrusting browser-supplied filenames: 12.3.1. Distrust Browser-Supplied Filenames (Programming PHP)
size of uploaded files: 12.3.2. Beware of Filling Your Filesystem (Programming PHP)
surviving register_globals: 12.3.3. Surviving register_globals (Programming PHP)
filenames and: 12.2. Filenames (Programming PHP)
checking for relative paths: 12.2.1. Check for Relative Paths (Programming PHP)
restricting filesystem access: 12.2.2. Restrict Filesystem Access to a Specific Directory (Programming PHP)
files, not using: 12.4.3. Don't Use Files (Programming PHP)
form processing: 9.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
global variables and form data: 12.1. Global Variables and Form Data (Programming PHP)
initializing variables: 12.1.1. Initialize Variables (Programming PHP)
variables_order directive in php.ini: 12.1.2. Set variables_order (Programming PHP)
hiding PHP error messages from user: 8.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
History objects and: 13.10. The History Object (JavaScript)
importance of: 5.1.4. Security and User Data (Web Database Applications)
5.1.4. Security and User Data (Web Database Applications)
Java applets interacting with JavaScript: The mayscript attribute (JavaScript)
JavaScript and: 1.7. JavaScript Security (JavaScript)
21.1. JavaScript and Security (JavaScript)
restricted features: 21.2. Restricted Features (JavaScript)
same-origin policy: 21.3. The Same-Origin Policy (JavaScript)
security zones and signed scripts: 21.4. Security Zones and Signed Scripts (JavaScript)
Password element values: 15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
reading/writing files: 1.6.7. What JavaScript Can't Do (JavaScript)
resources for further reading: E.4. Security and Cryptography Resources (Web Database Applications)
restrictions on moving/resizing windows: 13.8.3. Window Geometry (JavaScript)
safe mode for shared servers: 12.4.4. Safe Mode (Programming PHP)
serving images: 15.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
sessions and: Security (Web Database Applications)
shell commands: 12.7. Shell Commands (Programming PHP)
summary of good practices: 12.8. Security Redux (Programming PHP)
trusted web servers within domain: 14.1.2. Document Properties (JavaScript)
web application: 12. Security (Programming PHP)
web crawler restrictions: 14.7.1. Links, Web Crawlers, and JavaScript Security (JavaScript)
security attribute
frame elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
iframe elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
security, JavaScript client-side restrictions: 11.3.9. JavaScript Security Restrictions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
security property, document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
securityPolicy property, navigator object: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
seed for random number generation: 2.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
Mersenne Twister generator: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
random-number generator: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
select( )
Input object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Textarea object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
select( )
HTMLInputElement object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
HTMLTextAreaElement: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
select( ) method
input (type="file") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="password") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="text") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
textarea objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
TextRange objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
SELECT command (SQL)
caching query results: 10.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
finding number of rows returned by query: 10.9.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
select elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
select lists: 5.4. Case Study: Producing a select List (Web Database Applications)
Select object: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms (JavaScript)
15.2. Defining Form Elements (JavaScript)
15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Select object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
select objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
SELECT statement: 3.6. Querying with SQL SELECT (Web Database Applications)
SelectAll command: D. Internet Explorer Commands (Dynamic HTML)
selectAllChildren( ) method, selection objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selectDistinct( ): 5.4. Case Study: Producing a select List (Web Database Applications)
5.4.1. Implementing the selectDistinct Function (Web Database Applications)
browsing and: 13.3. Searching and Browsing (Web Database Applications)
client entry <form> and: 10.2.2. The Customer <form> (Web Database Applications)
selected attribute, option elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selected attribute, <option>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
6.4. The <select> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
selected property: 15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Option object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
option objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selectedIndex property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Select object: 15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
select objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selection objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selection property, document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selectionEnd property, input (type="password") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selectionLanguageChange( ) method, selection objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selectionStart property, input (type="password") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selectNode( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
selectNode( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
selectNodeContents( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
selectNodeContents( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
advanced subgroup: 3.8. Advanced Subgroup Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
assignment shortcuts: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
common subgroup: 3.7. Common Subgroup Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
determining specificity: 3.9.2. Determining a Selector's Specificity (Dynamic HTML)
lowercase recommendation: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
precedence rules: 3.9. Cascade Precedence Rules (Dynamic HTML)
purpose: 3.5.3. Binding CSS Style Sheets to Elements (Dynamic HTML)
selectors (style sheets): 9.2. Style Syntax (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
selectorText property: 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
18.5.5. Traversing Style Sheets (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
CSSRule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
page objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
rule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
self property: 12.1.1. The Window as Global Execution Context (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Window object: 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
_self target: 4.4. Frame Targets (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
self_url( ) ( 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
sem_acquire( ): 5.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
documentation on: 5.7.4. See Also (PHP Cookbook)
guaranteeing exclusive access to shared memory: 5.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
sem_get( ): 5.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
semicolon (see , under Symbols)
semicolon (;)
JavaScript statements: 11.2.3. Semicolons (Webmaster in a Nutshell) Empty statements (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
PHP statements: 16.2. Embedding PHP in HTML (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
semicolon ending statements, debugging and: 2.12.4. Other Common Problems (Web Database Applications)
sem_release( ): 5.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
send( ) (Mail_mime): 17.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SendBufferSize directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
send_cgi_header( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
send_confirmation_email( ): 12.2. HTML and Email Receipts (Web Database Applications)
send_fd( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
send_http_header( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
sendmail: 17.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
15.2.4. Sending Mail (Programming PHP)
sendRequest( ) (HTTP_Request): 11.16. Program: Finding Fresh Links (PHP Cookbook)
SEPARATE_ZVAL( ) macro: 14.6.2. SEPARATE_ZVAL( ) (Programming PHP)
separator property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Sequel: History (Web Database Applications)
sequences, database: 8.4.5. Sequences (Programming PHP)
serialize( ): 5.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
9.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
storing complex data in DBM files: 10.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
storing complex data in text file database: 10.2.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
serializing objects: 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
_ _sleep( ) and _ _wakeup( ) methods: 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
logfile (example): 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
serializing values: 8.3.3. Using Session Variables (Web Database Applications)
serializing WDDX variables: 12.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
$_SERVER array: 7.3. Server Information (Programming PHP), HTTP request headers, entries for: 7.3. Server Information (Programming PHP)
server( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
server responses, HTTP: 17.2. Server Responses and Status Codes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
17.3.3. Server Response Headers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Server Side Includes (see SSI)
server-side JavaScript: 1. Introduction to JavaScript (JavaScript)
1.4. JavaScript in Other Contexts (JavaScript)
server-side scripting: 1.1. What Does PHP Do? (Programming PHP)
server-side scripts: 20.1.5. Compatibility Through Server-Side Scripts (JavaScript)
20.1.5. Compatibility Through Server-Side Scripts (JavaScript)
server-side validation: 7.2. Server-Side Validation (Web Database Applications), performance and: 7.1.2. Models That Do Work (Web Database Applications)
$_SERVER superglobal array: 9.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
server variables: 5.1.5. How PHP Initializes Variables (Web Database Applications)
ServerAdmin directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
server_admin( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ServerAlias directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
server_hostname( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ServerName directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SERVER_NAME variable (CGI): 12.4. CGI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ServerPath directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SERVER_PORT variable (CGI): 12.4. CGI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SERVER_PROTOCOL variable (CGI): 12.4. CGI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ServerRoot directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
server_root_relative( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
servers: 1.1. Clients and Servers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Apache (see Apache server)
18.1. Understanding Apache (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
database: MySQL replication (Programming PHP)
DNS, parsing out names and IP addresses of: 17.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
document root: 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
errors, HTTP codes for: 17.2.5. Server Errors (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
global variables for, controlling: 12.1.2. Set variables_order (Programming PHP)
HTTP proxy server, configuring PEAR to use with: 21.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
$HTTP_SERVER_VARS array: 7.2. Variables (Programming PHP)
IMAP: 17.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
in-process (inproc): 15.3.1. Background (Programming PHP)
information about ($_SERVER array): 7.3. Server Information (Programming PHP)
communicating with: 17.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
downloading: 17.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
load balancing and redirection: Load balancing and redirection (Programming PHP)
out-of-process: 15.3.1. Background (Programming PHP)
parsing log file: 11.14.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
with PHP linked in: 14.1. Architectural Overview (Programming PHP)
POP3: 17.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
remote, YAZ toolkit implementing Z39.50 protocol: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
reverse proxy caches: 13.5.5. Reverse Proxies and Replication (Programming PHP)
SAPI (Server Abstraction API) global variables: 14.10.1. SAPI Globals (SG) (Programming PHP)
Server header: 7.1. HTTP Basics (Programming PHP)
shared, safe mode for security: 12.4.4. Safe Mode (Programming PHP)
SMTP: 17.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP_Server class: 12.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
timeouts on request waiting length: 11.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
unencrypted data, snooping on: 14.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
web server directory listing (web-ls.php): 19.13. Program: Web Server Directory Listing (PHP Cookbook)
writing PHP error messages to log: 8.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
XML-RPC: 12.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
11.5.1. Servers (Programming PHP)
communicating with clients (see HTTP)
ServerSignature directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SERVER_SOFTWARE variable (CGI): 12.4. CGI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ServerTokens directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ServerType directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
service( ) (SOAP_Server): 12.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
session-based applications, building: 9.4.2. Building Session-Based Applications (Web Database Applications)
session cookies: 8.1.2. Cookies (Web Database Applications)
session files, file permissions and: 12.4.2. Session Files (Programming PHP)
session handlers: D.2.2. Building User-Defined Session Handlers (Web Database Applications), registering: D.3.2.8. Registering session handlers (Web Database Applications)
session hijacking: Session hijacking (Web Database Applications)
session IDs: 8.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook), correlating to usernames: 8.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
session IDs (session identifiers): 8.2. Session Management Over the Web (Web Database Applications)
8.3.1. Overview (Web Database Applications)
session management: User tracking and session management (Web Database Applications)
8. Sessions (Web Database Applications)
configuring: 8.3.8. Configuration of PHP Session Management (Web Database Applications)
database tier and: D. Managing Sessions in the Database Tier (Web Database Applications)
security and: Security (Web Database Applications)
session module: 8.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook), tracking users with: 8.25.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
$_SESSION superglobal array: 8.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
8.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
9.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
session time-outs: 8.2. Session Management Over the Web (Web Database Applications) Timeouts (Web Database Applications)
session tracking: 8.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
7.6. Maintaining State (Programming PHP)
multipage forms, using with: 9.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
storing sessions in database: 8.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook), pc_DB_Session class: 8.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
session variables: 5.1.5. How PHP Initializes Variables (Web Database Applications)
8.2. Session Management Over the Web (Web Database Applications)
authorization script for: Authorizing other requests (Web Database Applications)
saving last-entered values as: Saving last-entered values as a session variable (Web Database Applications)
storing in database tier: Need for centralized session store (Web Database Applications)
using: 8.3.3. Using Session Variables (Web Database Applications)
sessionClose( ): D.3.2.5. sessionClose (Web Database Applications)
session_destroy( ): Session basics (Programming PHP)
8.3.4. Ending a Session (Web Database Applications)
8.3.7. Garbage Collection (Web Database Applications)
D.3.2.6. sessionDestroy (Web Database Applications)
session.entropy_file configuration directive: 8.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
session.entropy_length configuration directive: 8.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
session_id( ): 8.3.3. Using Session Variables (Web Database Applications) Encoding the session ID as a GET variable (Web Database Applications)
session_is_registered( ): 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
session_is_registered( ) function: Session basics (Programming PHP)
session_name( ): 8.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
sessionOpen( ): D.3.2.2. sessionOpen (Web Database Applications)
sessionRead( ): D.3.2.3. sessionRead (Web Database Applications)
session_register( ): Session basics (Programming PHP)
8.3.3. Using Session Variables (Web Database Applications)
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
sessions: 7.6.2. Sessions (Programming PHP)
8.2. Session Management Over the Web (Web Database Applications)
ab (Apache benchmarking) utility and: 13.5.1. Benchmarking (Programming PHP)
close handler: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
combining cookies with: 7.6.3. Combining Cookies and Sessions (Programming PHP)
destroy handler for: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
ending: 8.3.4. Ending a Session (Web Database Applications)
errors, logging to file: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
garbage collection handler: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
open handler: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
PHP functions for accessing: 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
read and write handlers: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
reasons for using/not using: 8.5. When to Use Sessions (Web Database Applications)
registering variables for: Session basics (Programming PHP)
session IDs
expiration of cookies: Session basics (Programming PHP)
storing in cookies: 7.6.2. Sessions (Programming PHP)
storing in form fields or URLs: Alternatives to cookies (Programming PHP)
session information storage, customizing: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
setting page-color preferences with: Session basics (Programming PHP)
starting: 8.3.2. Starting a Session (Web Database Applications)
using preferences from: Session basics (Programming PHP)
sessions, PHP: 16.11. Sessions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
session_save_path( ): 8.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
session_set_save_handler( ): 8.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook) Custom storage (Programming PHP) Custom storage (Programming PHP)
D.2.2. Building User-Defined Session Handlers (Web Database Applications)
session_start( ): 8.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
9.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook) Session basics (Programming PHP) Custom storage (Programming PHP)
8.3.2. Starting a Session (Web Database Applications)
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
session_unregister( ): Session basics (Programming PHP)
8.3.3. Using Session Variables (Web Database Applications)
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
session_unset( ): 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
session.use_cookies parameter: Turning off cookies (Web Database Applications)
sessionWrite( ): D.3.2.4. sessionWrite (Web Database Applications)
Set-Cookie header: 17.4.1. The Set-Cookie Response Header (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
set directive (SSI): 13.2. Basic SSI Directives (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
set methods (Date object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
@set statement: 12.8. Miscellaneous Statements (Dynamic HTML)
setActive( ) method: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
set_attribute( ): 12.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
setAttribute( ) method: 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
setAttribute( ) method: Attributes (JavaScript)
17.3.3. Modifying Documents (JavaScript)
setAttributeNode( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setAttributeNode( ) method: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
setAttributeNodeNS( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setAttributeNodeNS( ) method: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
setAttributeNS( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setAttributeNS( ) method: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
setCapture( ): 6.5.3. IE/Windows Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
setCapture( ) method: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
setcookie( ): 8.2.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
7.6.1. Cookies (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
8.1.2. Cookies (Web Database Applications)
8.3.2. Starting a Session (Web Database Applications)
debugging and: 2.12.3. Complaints About Headers (Web Database Applications)
deleting cookies: 8.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
eliminating "headers already sent" errors: 8.19.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
sending only over SSL connections: 14.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
setcookie( ) function: 7.5. Setting Response Headers (Programming PHP)
setCursor( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setData( ) method
clipboardData objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
dataTransfer objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setDate( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setEnd( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setEnd( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setEndAfter( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setEndAfter( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setEndBefore( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setEndBefore( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setEndPoint( ) method, TextRange objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
SetEnv directive (Apache): 19.14. mod_env (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SetEnvIf directive (Apache): 19.29. mod_setenvif (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SetEnvIfNoCase directive (Apache): 19.29. mod_setenvif (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
set_error_handler( ): 8.16.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
8.17.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
13.4.4. Defining Error Handlers (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Variable naming (Web Database Applications)
10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers (Web Database Applications)
setErrorHandling( ) (DB): 10.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
setExpression( ) method: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
setFetchMode( ) (DB): 10.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
set_file_buffer( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
setFloatValue( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setFullYear( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setgid bit: 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
19.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SetHandler directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
19.24. mod_mime (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SetHandler directive (mod_perl): 15.3. mod_perl Handlers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
set_handlers( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
setHours( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setHTMLBody( ) (Mail_mime): 17.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SetInputFilter directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
setInterval( ): 4.5.2. Flying Objects (Dynamic HTML)
5.6.1. The style Property (Dynamic HTML)
1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
setInterval( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setInterval( ) method: 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
13.4. Timeouts and Intervals (JavaScript)
18.3.4. DHTML Animations (JavaScript)
setInterval( ) (Window object): Timers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
setlocale( ): 16.3.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
16.4.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
setMarker( ) (Benchmark::Timer): 8.26.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
setMember( ): 22.2.1. The JSObject Class (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
setMilliseconds( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setMinutes( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setMonth( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setNamedItem( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setNamedItem( ) method
attributes objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
NamedNodeMap objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setNamedItemNS( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setNamedItemNS( ) method
attributes objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
NamedNodeMap objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
SetOutputFilter directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
setProperty( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setProperty( ) method
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setProperty( ) method: 18.5.1. Style Declarations (JavaScript)
sets, implementing with arrays: 5.10.1. Sets (Programming PHP)
setSeconds( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setSlot( ): 22.2.1. The JSObject Class (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
setStart( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setStart( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setStartAfter( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setStartAfter( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setStartBefore( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
setStartBefore( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setStringValue( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
set_submenu( ) (GtkMenuItem): 20.9.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
set_text( ) (GtkButton): 20.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
setTime( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
set_time_limit( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
setTimeout( ): 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
12.3.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
clearing status line: 20.1.6. Ignore the Problem (JavaScript)
Window object: 18.3.4. DHTML Animations (JavaScript)
setTimeout( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
setTimeout( ) method: 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
13.4. Timeouts and Intervals (JavaScript)
setTimeout( ) (Window object): Timers (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
setting/unsetting variables: Testing, setting, and unsetting variables (Web Database Applications)
setTXTBody( ) (Mail_mime): 17.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
settype( ): 4.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
2.1.6. Type Conversion (Web Database Applications)
setuid bit: 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
19.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
setupQuery( ): 13.3. Searching and Browsing (Web Database Applications)
setUTCDate( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setUTCFullYear( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setUTCHours( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setUTCMilliseconds( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setUTCMinutes( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setUTCMonth( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setUTCSeconds( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setYear( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), Date objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
setYear( ) (Date object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SGML, embedding PHP with SGML tags: 2.7.2. SGML Style (Programming PHP)
shape attribute
a elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
area elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
<a> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<area> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
shape property
a objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
area objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
shapes attribute, <object>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
shapes, drawing (see graphics)
shared locks: 18.25.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
shared memory segments
documentation on: 5.7.4. See Also (PHP Cookbook)
storing shared variables in: 5.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
sheet property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
link objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
LinkStyle objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style (element) objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
shell-based PHP programs: 1.4.5. From the Shell (Programming PHP)
shell commands: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
opening pipe to process executed on: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
security and: 12.7. Shell Commands (Programming PHP)
Unix and Windows: 15.2.9. External Commands (Programming PHP)
shell-style comments: Shell-style comments (Programming PHP)
shell_exec( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
globbing filenames: 19.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
wildcards in: 10.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
metacharacters, escaping: 18.21.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
redirecting standard error to standard output: 18.24.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
shift( ): 9.2.8. unshift( ) and shift( ) (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Array objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
shift( ) (Array object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
shift left (<<) operator: 5.8. Bitwise Operators (JavaScript)
shift right with sign (>>) operator: 5.8. Bitwise Operators (JavaScript)
shift right zero fill (>>>) operator: 5.8. Bitwise Operators (JavaScript)
shifting array elements: 4.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
shiftKey property: 6.6. Understanding Keyboard Event Data (Dynamic HTML)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
IE Event: 19.3.1. The IE Event Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
MouseEvent object: MouseEvent (JavaScript)
shiftLeft property, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
shipping.1 script (email receipt): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts (Web Database Applications)
shipping.2 script (HTML receipt): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts (Web Database Applications)
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts (Web Database Applications)
shipping.3 script (order receipt): 13.2.1. Templates in the Shipping Module (Web Database Applications)
shipping wines: 12. Ordering and Shipping at the Winestore (Web Database Applications)
shm_attach( ): 5.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
shm_detach( ): 5.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
shm_get_var( ): 5.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
shmop extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
shm_put_var( ): 5.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
Shockwave Flash movies
Ming library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
SWF extension for creating: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
shopping cart: 11. The Winestore Shopping Cart (Web Database Applications)
adding items to: 11.2.2. Adding Items to the Shopping Cart (Web Database Applications)
converting items in to orders: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
12.1. Finalizing Orders (Web Database Applications)
displaying contents of: 11.1. The Winestore Home Page (Web Database Applications)
11.2.1. Viewing the Shopping Cart (Web Database Applications)
emptying: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
11.2.3. Emptying the Shopping Cart (Web Database Applications)
housekeeping for: 13.1. Automated Housekeeping (Web Database Applications)
updating quantities in: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
11.2.4. Updating the Shopping Cart Quantities (Web Database Applications)
short-circuit evaluation property: 2.2.3. Conditional Expressions (Web Database Applications)
short data type: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
short tags: 2.7.2. SGML Style (Programming PHP)
applying values to edges: 3.2.1. Box Pieces (Dynamic HTML)
assigning declarations: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
by-value operators and: 4.3.2. Positionable Element Properties (Dynamic HTML)
shortcuts in database queries: 8.4.3. Shortcuts (Programming PHP)
short_open_tag configuration directive: 12.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
short_open_tag directive (PHP): 16.2. Embedding PHP in HTML (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
show( ) method, popup objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
SHOW command: 3.4.4. Displaying Database Structure with SHOW (Web Database Applications)
show_all( ) (GtkWindow): 20.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
showCart( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page (Web Database Applications)
showerror( ): 4.1.4. Error Handling of MySQL Database Functions (Web Database Applications)
4.2. Formatting Results (Web Database Applications)
10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers (Web Database Applications)
showHelp( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
show_HTML_receipt( ): The application logic (Web Database Applications)
showLogin( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page (Web Database Applications)
showMessage( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page (Web Database Applications)
11.2.2. Adding Items to the Shopping Cart (Web Database Applications)
showModalDialog( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
showModelessDialog( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
showPanel( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page (Web Database Applications)
showPricing( ): Fixing the queries (Web Database Applications)
13.3. Searching and Browsing (Web Database Applications)
showVarieties( ): Adding a second or subsequent query (Web Database Applications)
10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
11.1. The Winestore Home Page (Web Database Applications)
browsing and: 13.3. Searching and Browsing (Web Database Applications)
vs. showPricing( ): Fixing the queries (Web Database Applications)
showWines( ): 13.3. Searching and Browsing (Web Database Applications)
shuffle( ): 4.21.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
18.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
shuffle( ) function: 5.8.5. Randomizing Order (Programming PHP)
shuffling deck of cards: 4.22.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
shutdown( ) (GtkWindow): 20.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
shutdown function, registering: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
shutdown or close function (extensions), triggering resource cleanup: 2.2.7. Resources (Programming PHP)
sibling Layer objects, stacking order: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
sibling nodes: W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML) W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
17.1.1. Representing Documents as Trees (JavaScript)
17.2.1. Traversing a Document (JavaScript)
siblingAbove property, layer objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
siblingBelow property, layer objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
side effects of a function: 3.1. Calling a Function (Programming PHP)
3.4.2. Passing Parameters by Reference (Programming PHP)
sidebar property
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
sign specifier (printf( ) format modifier): Format modifiers (Programming PHP)
associating with callback functions to handle user actions: 20.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
from GUI widgets, handling: 20.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
from menu items in GTK window: 20.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
signed scripts: 21.4. Security Zones and Signed Scripts (JavaScript)
similar_text( ): 4.6.2. Approximate Equality (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
Simple API for XML (see SAX)
simple difference between arrays: 4.24.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
4.24.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP)
sin( ): 3.1.4. Working with Numbers (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
2.12.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
Math object: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
sin( ) function: 3.1. Calling a Function (Programming PHP)
sine (arc): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
single quotes (see ', under Symbols)
sinh( ): 2.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
site-search.php program: 19.14. Program: Site Search (PHP Cookbook)
browser screen: 13.7. The Screen Object (JavaScript)
CSS properties for: 9.4. CSS Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
9.4. CSS Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
font size: 9.4. CSS Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
frame borders: 4.5. Frame Border Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
frame margins: 4.3. The <frame> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
frames: 4.1. Frame Layout (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
images: 14.6.4. Other Image Properties (JavaScript)
of files: 9.6.1. Caching the Dynamically Generated Buttons (Programming PHP)
of images, scaling: 9.7. Scaling Images (Programming PHP)
specifying for elements: 18.2.2. Specifying the Position and Size of Elements (JavaScript), pixel units: 18.2.2. Specifying the Position and Size of Elements (JavaScript)
SSI format for: 13.2. Basic SSI Directives (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
style properties: Length property values (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
table: 5.1. The <table> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
table cells: 5.4. The <th> and <td> Tags (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
table columns: 5.1. The <table> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
windows: 13.8.3. Window Geometry (JavaScript), security restrictions on: 21.2. Restricted Features (JavaScript)
size and color-depth of monitors: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
size attribute
basefont elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
font elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
hr elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
<basefont> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<font> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<input> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
6.2. The <input> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<select> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
6.4. The <select> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<spacer> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
select elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
spacer elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
size attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
size property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
basefont objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
font objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
hr objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="file") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="password") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="text") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
select objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
sizefmt argument, config directive: 13.2. Basic SSI Directives (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
sizeof( ): 5.3.3. Getting the Size of an Array (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
sizeToContent( ) method, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
/(slash): 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
//--\\> JavaScript comment symbol: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
//, in C++-style comments: C++ comments (Programming PHP)
HTML: 2.2. HTML Syntax (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
pathname separator on Unix: 18.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
recreating full filename from parts: 19.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
regular expression pattern delimiters: 13.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
13.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
slash (/)
CGI: 12.2. URL Encoding (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
HTML: 2.2. HTML Syntax (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
slave processes: 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
sleep( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
_ _sleep( ) method: 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
slice( )
Array object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
String object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
slice( )
Array object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Array objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
String object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
slicing arrays: 5.5.1. Slicing an Array (Programming PHP)
small( ), String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
small elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
small objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
smallest number representable in JavaScript: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Smarty PHP template engine: 13.2. Templates (Web Database Applications)
Smarty templates: 11.13.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook), displaying rows retrieved from database: 11.13.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SMTP server: 17.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SMTP servers: 15.2.4. Sending Mail (Programming PHP)
sniffers: 13.6. The Navigator Object (JavaScript)
20.1.4. Platform-Specific Workarounds (JavaScript)
SNMP extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
SOAP: 12.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
creating server and responding to SOAP requests: 12.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
requests, sending: 12.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP protocol: 11.5. Web Services (Programming PHP)
SOAP_Client class: 12.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP_Server class: 12.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP_Server::addObjectMap( ): 12.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP_Server::service( ): 12.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP_Value class: 12.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP_WSDL class: 12.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
SOAP_WSDL::getProxy( ): 12.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
socket_get_status( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
connections to news server: 17.5.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
extension for: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
opening with fsockopen( ): 11.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
SSL: 7.7. SSL (Programming PHP)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): 8.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
11.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
17.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
socket_set_blocking( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
socket_set_timeout( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
soft_timeout( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
software tools for writing PHP extensions: 14.2.2. Software Tools (Programming PHP)
Solaris systems, locale program: 16.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
sort( ): 7.2. Functions as Data (JavaScript)
9.2.3. sort( ) (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
4.17.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
5.8.1. Sorting One Array at a Time (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Sorting with sort( ) and rsort( ) (Web Database Applications)
Array objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
sort( ) (Array object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
alphabetically: 5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
array elements in reverse order: 9.2.2. reverse( ) (JavaScript)
arrays: 4.17.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
2.2.5. Arrays (Programming PHP)
5.8. Sorting (Programming PHP)
2.5.5. Sorting Arrays (Web Database Applications)
by a computable field: 4.18.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
copying first to retain original order: 4.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
method, using instead of a function: 4.20.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
modifying sort type: 4.19.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
multiple: 4.19.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
multiple arrays at once: 5.8.3. Sorting Multiple Arrays at Once (Programming PHP)
in natural order: 5.8.2. Natural-Order Sorting (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
PHP functions for: 5.8.1. Sorting One Array at a Time (Programming PHP)
in random order: 5.8.5. Randomizing Order (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
in reverse order: 4.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
5.8.4. Reversing Arrays (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
shuffling deck of cards: 4.22.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
in user-defined order: 5.8.1. Sorting One Array at a Time (Programming PHP)
using anonymous function: 3.7. Anonymous Functions (Programming PHP)
with user-defined function: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
output: 3.6.3. Sorting and Grouping Output (Web Database Applications)
strings: 5.8.2. Natural-Order Sorting (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
text for different locales: 16.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
sotruss utility: 20.3.1. Unbuffered Reads and Writes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
soundex( ): 4.6.2. Approximate Equality (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
source code
adding style sheets in: 3.6. Embedding Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
default stacking order: 4.2.6. The z-index Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
proprietary attributes and: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
XHTML validation: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
source code (PHP), downloading CVS version: 14.2.1. The PHP Source (Programming PHP)
source property, regular expression objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
source property (RegExp): 10.3.2. RegExp Instance Properties (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
sourceIndex property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
space( ): String-comparison operators and functions (Web Database Applications)
space-padded strings: 1.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
1.14.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
spacer elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
spaces: 1.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
(see also whitespace)
changing to/from tabs in strings: 1.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
spaces, formatting (plain-text document): 14.2.1. Non-HTML Documents (JavaScript)
spam: 21.1. JavaScript and Security (JavaScript)
span attribute
col elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
colgroup elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
<colgroup> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<col> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
span elements: 3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
4.1.2. Absolute Versus Relative Positioning (Dynamic HTML)
4.1.2. Absolute Versus Relative Positioning (Dynamic HTML)
8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
characteristics: 3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
className property: 5.6.2. The className Property (Dynamic HTML)
color property: 5.6.1. The style Property (Dynamic HTML)
content modification example: W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
dragging elements example: 6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
element text and: 5.7.1. Changing Element Text (Dynamic HTML)
generating elements example: W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
HTML property example: IE HTML and elements (Dynamic HTML)
positioning example: 4.1.1. Setting the position Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
4.1.2. Absolute Versus Relative Positioning (Dynamic HTML)
4.1.2. Absolute Versus Relative Positioning (Dynamic HTML)
referencing elements example: 4.3.1. Referencing Position Styles (Dynamic HTML)
span objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
span property
col objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
colgroup objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
spanning table cells: 5.4.1. Cell Spanning (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
sparse arrays: 9.1.3. Adding New Elements to an Array (JavaScript)
sparsely filled arrays: 4.24.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
speak attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speak-header attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speak-numeral attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speak property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speak-punctuation attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speakHeader property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speakNumeral, CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speakNumeral property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speakPunctuation property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
special characters: 7. Character Entities (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
escaping in HTML: 9.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
escaping in queried data: 10.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
in regular expressions: 13.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
4.8.1. The Basics (Programming PHP)
in SQL: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
security risks in shell commands: 12.7. Shell Commands (Programming PHP)
SQL and shell globbing wildcards, escaping: 10.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
in URL encoding: 8.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
specifications, obtaining: 2. HTML Overview (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
specificity of selectors: 3.9.2. Determining a Selector's Specificity (Dynamic HTML)
specified property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Attr objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
attribute objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speech-rate attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
speechRate property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
aspell library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
pspell library: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
SpiderMonkey (JavaScript interpreter): 1.4. JavaScript in Other Contexts (JavaScript)
splice( ), Array objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
splice( ) (Array): 9.2.6. splice( ) (JavaScript)
splice( ) (Array object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
splice( ) method (Array): 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities (JavaScript)
splice( )method (Array): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
split( ): 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching (JavaScript)
16.3. Reading Cookies (JavaScript)
1.12.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Splitting a string into an array (Web Database Applications)
String object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
split( ) function: Splitting (Programming PHP)
split( ) method: 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities (JavaScript)
split( ) (String object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
spliti( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
splitText( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
splitText( ) method, Text objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
splitText( ) (Text object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
arrays into chunks: 5.5.2. Splitting an Array into Chunks (Programming PHP)
regular expression pattern matches: Splitting (Programming PHP)
strings into arrays of smaller chunks: 4.8. Regular Expressions (Programming PHP)
strings into smaller chunks: Splitting (Programming PHP)
splitting a string on a regular expression: 13.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
spoofing events: 21.2. Restricted Features (JavaScript)
spreadsheets, vs. databases: 1.4.2. Why Use a DBMS? (Web Database Applications)
sprintf( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Creating formatted output with sprintf( ) and printf( ) (Web Database Applications)
combining with msg( ): 16.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
converting decimal numbers to binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers: 2.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
formatting poll result numbers: 15.10. Program: Generating Bar Charts from Poll Results (PHP Cookbook)
SQL interpreter: 1.4.1. Database Management Systems (Web Database Applications)
SQL server (Microsoft): 4.4.1. Microsoft SQL Server (Web Database Applications)
SQL (Structured Query Language): 1.4.4. SQL (Web Database Applications)
3.1.2. Terminology (Web Database Applications)
3.10. More on SQL and MySQL (Web Database Applications)
components of: SQL components (Web Database Applications)
converting E/R model to: C.2.2. Converting an Entity-Relationship Model to SQL (Web Database Applications)
connecting to: 10.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
modifying data in: 10.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
paired with PHP: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
querying: 10.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
escaping string literals in queries: 4.5.3. SQL (Programming PHP)
Microsoft SQL Server extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
mSQL extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
Ovrimos SQL extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
placeholders in queries: 8.4.1. Placeholders (Programming PHP)
portability of: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
portability of queries: 8.1. Using PHP to Access a Database (Programming PHP)
queries and: 3.6. Querying with SQL SELECT (Web Database Applications)
relational databases and: 8.2. Relational Databases and SQL (Programming PHP)
special characters in: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
statements performing queries: 8.3.4. Issuing a Query (Programming PHP)
wildcard characters, quoting in database queries: 10.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
winestore application, creating with: Creating the winestore with SQL (Web Database Applications)
working with MySQL and: 3.4. Managing Databases, Tables, and Indexes (Web Database Applications)
sql_regcase( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
sqrt( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
Math object: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
SQRT1_2 constant: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
SQRT1_2 property, Math object: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
square( ), defining with function literal: 3.4.1. Function Literals (JavaScript)
square brackets (see [ ], under Symbols)
square brackets ( [] ), JavaScript regular expressions: Character classes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
square( ) function: 3.4. Functions (JavaScript)
square root, computing: 3.1.4. Working with Numbers (JavaScript)
Squid proxy cache: Reverse-proxy cache (Programming PHP), SquidGuard, adding redirection logic: Load balancing and redirection (Programming PHP)
srand( ): 14.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Subsecond times (Web Database Applications)
2.9.7. Random Number Generation (Web Database Applications)
src attribute: 12.2.2. Including JavaScript Files (JavaScript)
12.2.2. Including JavaScript Files (JavaScript)
12.3.1. Scripts (JavaScript)
12.3.1. Scripts (JavaScript)
applet elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
bgsound elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
embed elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
frame elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
iframe elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ilayer elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
img elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
layer elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
link elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
<bgsound> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<embed> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<frame> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
4.3. The <frame> Tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<iframe> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<ilayer> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<img> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<input> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<layer> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<script> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell) The <script> tag (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
script elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
xml elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
src property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
applet objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
bgsound objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
embed objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
event bubbling: 6.5.1. Event Bubbling (Dynamic HTML)
frame objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
iframe objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Image object: 14.6.1. Image Replacement with the src Property (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
image objects: 5.4.1. Precaching Images (Dynamic HTML)
5.4.1. Precaching Images (Dynamic HTML)
img element: 5.4.2. Swap Your Image (Dynamic HTML)
img objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="image") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Layer object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
layer objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
script objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
xml objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
srcElement element: 6.2.2. Event Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
srcElement property, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
srcElement property (IE Event): 19.3.1. The IE Event Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
srcFilter property, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
srcFilter property (IE Event): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
srcUrn property, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
sscanf( ): sscanf( ) (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
SSI (Server Side Includes): 13. Server Side Includes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
directives: 13.2. Basic SSI Directives (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
environment variables: 13.3. SSI Environment Variables (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
mod_perl with: 15.5. Server Side Includes with mod_perl (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
:ssl method group ( module): 14.2. Importing Method Groups (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SSL protocol: 9.5.1. The Secure Sockets Layer Protocol (Web Database Applications), installing Apache to use: A.3. Installing Apache to Use SSL (Web Database Applications)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): 14.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
7.7. SSL (Programming PHP)
cookies, sending over: 8.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
cURL extension, using with: 11.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
IMAP and POP3 connections: 17.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
stack, implementing with array: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
stacking order: 4.2.6. The z-index Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
4.2.6. The z-index Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
layers: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), changing: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
of elements: 18.2.3. The Third Dimension: z-index (JavaScript)
stacks, implementing with arrays: 5.10.2. Stacks (Programming PHP)
stale-links.php program: 11.15. Program: Finding Stale Links (PHP Cookbook)
standalone extensions: Standalone extensions (Programming PHP)
standard error: 20.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
printing cURL module debugging information to: 11.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
reading from a program: 18.24.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
writing to: 18.19.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
standard event model: 19. Events and Event Handling (JavaScript)
19.2. Advanced Event Handling with DOM Level 2 (JavaScript)
dragging document elements (example): 19.2.7. Example: Dragging Document Elements (JavaScript)
19.2.7. Example: Dragging Document Elements (JavaScript)
event interfaces and event details: 19.2.6. Event Interfaces and Event Details (JavaScript)
event modules and event types: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types (JavaScript)
event propagation: 19.2.1. Event Propagation (JavaScript)
mixing with original event model: 19.2.8. Mixing Event Models (JavaScript)
registering event handlers
functions: 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
objects as: 19.2.4. Registering Objects as Event Handlers (JavaScript)
synthesizing events: 19.2.9. Synthesizing Events (JavaScript)
standard input: 20.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
reading from: 18.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
reading from the keyboard: 20.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
:standard method group ( module): 14.2. Importing Method Groups (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
standard output: 20.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
reading from a program: 18.23.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
redirecting standard error to: 18.24.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
writing to: 18.19.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
browsers and: 1.9. A Fragmenting World (Dynamic HTML)
2. Cross-Platform Compromises (Dynamic HTML)
5.7. Changing Content (Dynamic HTML)
common denominator: 2.6.5. Designing for the Common Denominator (Dynamic HTML)
coordinating with version releases: 1.1. The Standards Alphabet Soup (Dynamic HTML)
CSS modularization: 7.3. CSS Modularization (CSS3) (Dynamic HTML)
CSS-P origin: 4. Adding Dynamic Positioning to Documents (Dynamic HTML)
DOM and: 1.6. Document Object Model (Dynamic HTML)
7.4. DOM Modularization (DOM2 and DOM3) (Dynamic HTML)
7.5. What Is Conformance? (Dynamic HTML)
HTML implementation: 1.3. HTML (Dynamic HTML)
IE DHTML and: 2.3. Internet Explorer DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
illegal characters: 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
lowercase tag selectors: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
Mozilla browser and: 2.4. Netscape 6 (Mozilla) DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
2.4. Netscape 6 (Mozilla) DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
W3C modularization: 7.1. W3C Modularization (Dynamic HTML)
7.1. W3C Modularization (Dynamic HTML)
XHTML: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1) (Dynamic HTML)
ECMA-262, for JavaScript: 1.2. Versions of JavaScript (JavaScript)
emphasizing over particular browsers: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript (JavaScript)
recent developments in: 0. Preface (JavaScript)
standby attribute, object elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
standby attribute, <object>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
standby property, object objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
start( ) (Auth): 17.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
start( ) method, marquee objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
start and end element handlers: 11.3.1. Element Handlers (Programming PHP)
start and end points, setting for ranges: Start and end positions (JavaScript)
start attribute
img elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
<img> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<ol> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ol elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
start property
img objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="image") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ol objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
start tags, PHP: 18.14.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
start value of strings: 4.7.1. Substrings (Programming PHP)
startContainer property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
start_element( ): 12.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
start/end tags
include statement and: 2.10.4. Reusing Functions with Include and Require Files (Web Database Applications)
omitting: 2.1.1. PHP Basics (Web Database Applications)
startform( ) ( 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
start_html( ) ( 14.5. Using JavaScript Features (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
starting and ending angles (in degrees) for arcs: 15.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
starting point, graphics in PDF files: 10.4.2. Graphics (Programming PHP)
start_multipart_form( ) ( 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
startOffset property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
StartServers directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
20.4.11. Some Notes on Sizing Apache (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
starvation problem: The LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements in MySQL (Web Database Applications)
stat( ): 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
19.3.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
stat( ) function
calling on symbolic links: 19.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
file information returned by: 19.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
state: State (Web Database Applications)
building applications to maintain: 8.1. Building Applications That Keep State (Web Database Applications)
client: 1.6.5. Read and Write Client State with Cookies (JavaScript)
debugger program for printing stack trace: 5.10.2. Stacks (Programming PHP)
local variables and arguments, in function scope: 11.4. Lexical Scoping and Nested Functions (JavaScript)
maintaining between requests: 7.6. Maintaining State (Programming PHP)
combining cookies and sessions: 7.6.3. Combining Cookies and Sessions (Programming PHP)
cookies: 7.6. Maintaining State (Programming PHP)
session tracking: 7.6. Maintaining State (Programming PHP)
sessions: 7.6.2. Sessions (Programming PHP)
Window object and its variables: 12.3.5. Window and Variable Lifetime (JavaScript)
stateless applications, building: 9.4.1. Building Stateless Applications (Web Database Applications)
statement blocks: 6.2. Compound Statements (JavaScript), block-level variable scope: 4.3.1. No Block Scope (JavaScript)
statement handles: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
statements: 6. Statements (JavaScript)
assignment statement: 6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
break: 6.11. break (JavaScript)
compound: 6.2. Compound Statements (JavaScript), terminating abruptly: 6.2. Compound Statements (JavaScript)
continue: 6.12. continue (JavaScript)
do/while: 6.7. do/while (JavaScript)
else: 6.3. if (JavaScript)
else if: 6.4. else if (JavaScript)
empty: 6.19. The Empty Statement (JavaScript)
6.19. The Empty Statement (JavaScript)
in event handlers: 12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
expression: 6.1. Expression Statements (JavaScript)
flow-control: 2.5. Flow-Control Statements (Programming PHP)
declare: 2.5.6. declare (Programming PHP)
exit and return: 2.5.7. exit and return (Programming PHP)
for: 2.5.4. for (Programming PHP)
foreach: 2.5.5. foreach (Programming PHP)
if statement: 2.5.1. if (Programming PHP)
switch: 2.5.2. switch (Programming PHP)
while: 2.5.3. while (Programming PHP)
for: 6.8. for (JavaScript)
for/in, with associative arrays: 8.6. Objects as Associative Arrays (JavaScript)
function: 6.14. function (JavaScript)
7.1. Defining and Invoking Functions (JavaScript)
inline statements: 6.3.1. Event Handlers as Tag Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
in JavaScript URLs: 12.2.4. JavaScript in URLs (JavaScript)
labeling: 6.10. Labels (JavaScript)
referencing elements: 2.3.1. Element Object References (Dynamic HTML)
return: 6.15. return (JavaScript)
7.1. Defining and Invoking Functions (JavaScript)
3.2. Defining a Function (Programming PHP)
return statements: 6.4.1. Setting the return Value (Dynamic HTML)
6.4.2. The event.returnValue Property (IE 5 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
6.4.4. Cross-Browser Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
semicolons (;) in: 2.1.2. Statements and Semicolons (Programming PHP)
semicolons between: 1.10. Exploring JavaScript (JavaScript)
2.4. Optional Semicolons (JavaScript)
6. Statements (JavaScript)
summary of: 6.20. Summary of JavaScript Statements (JavaScript)
switch: 6.5. switch (JavaScript)
throw: 6.16. throw (JavaScript)
try/catch: 6.17. try/catch/finally (JavaScript)
try/catch/finally: 6.16. throw (JavaScript)
6.17. try/catch/finally (JavaScript)
try/finally: 6.17. try/catch/finally (JavaScript)
var: 6.13. var (JavaScript)
while: 6.6. while (JavaScript)
with: 6.18. with (JavaScript)
static methods: 6.3. Accessing Properties and Methods (Programming PHP), declaring: 6.4.1. Declaring Methods (Programming PHP)
static objects: 12.2. About Static Objects (Dynamic HTML)
static positioning, elements: 18.2.1. The Key to DHTML: The position Attribute (JavaScript)
static value (position attribute): 4.1.1. Setting the position Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
4.2.1. The position Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
static variables: 5.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook) Static variables (Programming PHP)
3.3.2. Static Variables (Programming PHP)
status bar
animation techniques: 13.4. Timeouts and Intervals (JavaScript)
visibility in window: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
status codes, HTTP: 17. HTTP (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
17.2. Server Responses and Status Codes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
status codes, HTTP response: 7.1. HTTP Basics (Programming PHP)
status line, browser window: 13.3. The Status Line (JavaScript), displaying user messages with JavaScript: 1.6.2. Control the Browser (JavaScript)
status line in browser window: The status line (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
status( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
status property: 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
13.3. The Status Line (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
button objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="checkbox") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
input (type="radio") objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
textarea objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
status property (Window object): The status line (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
statusbar objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
statusbar property
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
status_line( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
stdclass class: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook), adding properties to base object: 7.12.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
stdClass (reserved class name): 6.4. Declaring a Class (Programming PHP)
STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY( ) macro: 14.12. Extension INI Entries (Programming PHP)
sticky bit: 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
sticky forms: 7.4.5. Sticky Forms (Programming PHP)
sticky multi-valued parameters, HTML forms: 7.4.7. Sticky Multivalued Parameters (Programming PHP)
stop( ): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
stop( ) method
marquee objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
stopPropagation( ): 6.5.2. W3C Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
19.2.1. Event Propagation (JavaScript) Event (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
stopPropagation( ) method, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
stopPropagation( ) (Event object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
store( ): 16.4. Cookie Example (JavaScript)
stored procedures: 3.10.4. Limitations of MySQL (Web Database Applications)
storing cookies: 16.2. Storing Cookies (JavaScript)
storing data in arrays: 5.3. Storing Data in Arrays (Programming PHP)
adding values to end of array: 5.3.1. Adding Values to the End of an Array (Programming PHP)
assigning range of values: 5.3.2. Assigning a Range of Values (Programming PHP)
getting array size: 5.3.3. Getting the Size of an Array (Programming PHP)
padding: 5.3.4. Padding an Array (Programming PHP)
strace( ): 18.24.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
strace utility: 20.3.1. Unbuffered Reads and Writes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
strcasecmp( ): 4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
2.6.3. Comparing Strings (Web Database Applications)
strchr( ): Searches returning rest of string (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strcmp( ): 2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
2.2.3. Conditional Expressions (Web Database Applications)
2.6.3. Comparing Strings (Web Database Applications) String-comparison operators and functions (Web Database Applications)
strcmp( ) function: 4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
strcoll( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strcspn( ): Searches using masks (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
streaming PDF documents: 10.2.6. Terminating and Streaming a PDF Document (Programming PHP)
stress attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
stress property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
strftime( ): 3.2.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
3.2.4. See Also (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
2.8.2. Formatting a Date (Web Database Applications)
button displaying current time: 20.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
%c format string (for localization): 16.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
day of week, month, or year, week of the year: 3.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
formatting dates and times: 3.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
start date for time ranges: 3.15.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
Strict validation: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
strike( ), String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
strike elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
strike objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
striking out text in PDF files: 10.3.3. Text Attributes (Programming PHP)
string assignments: 2.1.5. Expressions, Operators, and Variable Assignment (Web Database Applications)
String( ), calling as function: 11.1.2. Explicit Type Conversions (JavaScript)
(string) casting operator: 2.4.11. Casting Operators (Programming PHP)
string clean( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
string comparison operators/functions: String-comparison operators and functions (Web Database Applications)
string concatenation (+) operator: 5.3. Arithmetic Operators (JavaScript)
5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
string concatenation operator(.): 1.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
string crypt( ): 9.3. Authentication Using a Database (Web Database Applications)
string datatypes
JavaScript: Strings (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
PHP: 16.5.3. Strings (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
string getCustomerID( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
string literals: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
2.2.3. Strings (Programming PHP) String literals (Web Database Applications)
2.6.1. String Literals (Web Database Applications)
color properties: 14.3. Document Color Properties (JavaScript)
concatenating: 5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
converting: 11.3. Garbage Collection (JavaScript)
converting numbers to/from: 11.1.3. Converting Numbers to Strings (JavaScript)
operators for: 5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
property names as: 8.6. Objects as Associative Arrays (JavaScript)
variable type of: 4.4. Primitive Types and Reference Types (JavaScript)
string mysql_tablename( ): Other functions (Web Database Applications)
String object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
defining method for all: 8.4.1. Prototypes and Built-in Classes (JavaScript)
HTML methods: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
methods, cookie, determining value of: 16.3. Reading Cookies (JavaScript)
String object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
string session_id( ): 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP (Web Database Applications)
string showWine( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files (Web Database Applications)
strings: 3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
3.2. Strings (JavaScript)
11.2.1. Primitive Types and Reference Types (JavaScript)
1.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
2.2.3. Strings (Programming PHP)
2.4.7. Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators (Programming PHP)
4. Strings (Programming PHP)
A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
2.6. Strings (Web Database Applications)
accessing individual characters: 4.3. Accessing Individual Characters (Programming PHP)
as array keys: 4.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
arrays for multiple return values: 6.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
merging: 4.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
mixing with numeric: 4.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
as keys to associative arrays: 5.1. Indexed Versus Associative Arrays (Programming PHP)
associating values with (see associative arrays)
binary data, storing in: 1.14.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
breaking into chunks (example): 7.4.2. Parameters (Programming PHP)
breaking into smaller pieces: 1.12.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
C-string encoding: 4.5.4. C-String Encoding (Programming PHP)
case, controlling: 1.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
changing case of: 4.4.2. Changing Case (Programming PHP)
characters, converting into HTML entity equivalents: Entity-quoting all special characters (Programming PHP)
checking for valid number: 2.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
comparing: 5.5.1. Comparison Operators (JavaScript)
5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
4.6. Comparing Strings (Programming PHP)
2.6.3. Comparing Strings (Web Database Applications)
by value: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===) (JavaScript)
11.2.3. Comparing Strings (JavaScript)
for approximate equality: 4.6.2. Approximate Equality (Programming PHP)
for equality: 2.2.3. Strings (Programming PHP)
4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
for identity: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===) (JavaScript)
complex data types, encapsulating as: 5.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook), serializing strings: 5.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
compressing: 18.26.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
concatenating: 3.2.3. Working with Strings (JavaScript)
5.3. Arithmetic Operators (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
2.4.4. Implicit Casting (Programming PHP)
. operator: 2.4.6. String Concatenation Operator (Programming PHP)
strcat( ): 3.2. Defining a Function (Programming PHP)
containing numbers, sorting in correct order: 5.8.2. Natural-Order Sorting (Programming PHP)
array elements to and concatenating: 9.2.1. join( ) (JavaScript)
arrays to: 9.2.9. toString( ) and toLocaleString( ) (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
between encodings, iconv extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
between JavaScript and Java: 22.5. LiveConnect Data Conversion (JavaScript)
boolean values to: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
character codes to: 19.3.1. The IE Event Object (JavaScript)
integers to: 3.1.4. Working with Numbers (JavaScript)
JavaObject objects to: 22.6. JavaScript Conversion of JavaObjects (JavaScript)
numbers to: 11.1.3. Converting Numbers to Strings (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
objects to: 8.7.2. The toString( ) Method (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
regular expressions to: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
to numbers: 11.1.4. Converting Strings to Numbers (JavaScript)
2.4.4. Implicit Casting (Programming PHP)
to/from URL encoding: 4.5.2. URLs (Programming PHP)
9.6. Dynamically Generated Buttons (Programming PHP)
converting arrays to: 4.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
converting to timestamp: String to timestamp (Web Database Applications) Validating dates (Web Database Applications)
converting to/from integers: Validating dates (Web Database Applications)
converting to/from numbers: 2.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
copying and passing by reference: 11.2.2. Copying and Passing Strings (JavaScript)
CSS style attribute vales: 18.5.5. Traversing Style Sheets (JavaScript)
CSSPrimitiveValue: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
CSS2Properties collection: 5.6.1. The style Property (Dynamic HTML)
date and time
date, in local time zone: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
GMT: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
localized time: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
double-quoted, variable interpolation in: 17.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
dumping variable contents as: 5.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
empty: 5.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook), assigning as default value of function parameter: 6.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
empty strings: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
escape sequences: 1.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
expanding and compressing tabs: 1.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
extension functions returning: 14.8.1. Simple Types (Programming PHP)
first character, finding: 3.2.3. Working with Strings (JavaScript)
functions for manipulating and searching: 4.7. Manipulating and Searching Strings (Programming PHP)
A.1. PHP Functions by Category (Programming PHP)
exploding and imploding: 4.7.3. Decomposing a String (Programming PHP)
padding: 4.7.2. Miscellaneous String Functions (Programming PHP)
repeating: 4.7.2. Miscellaneous String Functions (Programming PHP)
reversing: 4.7.2. Miscellaneous String Functions (Programming PHP)
search functions: 4.7.4. String-Searching Functions (Programming PHP)
splitting on regular expression pattern boundary: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
substrings: 4.7.1. Substrings (Programming PHP)
tokenizing: Tokenizing (Programming PHP)
getElementById( ) method: 2.6.6. Custom APIs (Dynamic HTML)
in heredocs: 1.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
HTML, converting special characters to entities: 4.5.1. HTML (Programming PHP)
HTML event handler attribute values: 19.1.3. Event Handlers as Properties (JavaScript)
HTML meta tags, extracting from: Extracting meta tags (Programming PHP)
HTML tags, removing from: Removing HTML tags (Programming PHP)
indexes to associative arrays: 3.5. Objects (JavaScript)
initializing: 1.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
innerText property: 1.6.2. Microsoft IE 4 DOM (Dynamic HTML)
interpolating functions and expressions: 1.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
last character, getting: 3.2.3. Working with Strings (JavaScript)
length of: 3.2.3. Working with Strings (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
length of, strlen( ) function (example): 3.1. Calling a Function (Programming PHP)
matching beginning/end of: 10.1.5. Specifying Match Position (JavaScript)
methods using regular expressions: 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching (JavaScript)
null-terminated, in extensions: 14.6. The pval/zval Data Type (Programming PHP)
numeric: 2.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
objects, converting to, localization: 8.7.3. The toLocaleString( ) Method (JavaScript)
outputting DOM XML document to: 12.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
parsing comma-separated data: 1.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
parsing dates and times from: 3.10.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
parsing fixed-width records in: 1.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
printing: 4.2. Printing Strings (Programming PHP)
with echo: 4.2.1. echo (Programming PHP)
with print( ) function: 4.2.2. print( ) (Programming PHP)
with printf( ) function: 4.2.3. printf( ) (Programming PHP)
with print_r( ) function: 4.2.4. print_r( ) and var_dump( ) (Programming PHP)
with var_dump( ) function: 4.2.4. print_r( ) and var_dump( ) (Programming PHP)
processing one character at a time: 1.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
property names, expressing as: 8.6. Objects as Associative Arrays (JavaScript)
quoting in PHP array keys: 5.2. Identifying Elements of an Array (Programming PHP)
quoting in queried data: 10.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
quoting string constants: 4.1. Quoting String Constants (Programming PHP)
in double-quoted strings: 4.1.3. Double-Quoted Strings (Programming PHP)
in here documents: 4.1.4. Here Documents (Programming PHP)
in single-quoted strings: 4.1.2. Single-Quoted Strings (Programming PHP)
in variable interpolation: 4.1.1. Variable Interpolation (Programming PHP)
reading files into: 18.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
referencing elements: 2.3.1. Element Object References (Dynamic HTML)
regular expressions, using on: 4.8. Regular Expressions (Programming PHP)
Perl-compatible regular expressions: 4.10. Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (Programming PHP)
POSIX-style regular expressions: 4.9. POSIX-Style Regular Expressions (Programming PHP)
removing whitespace from: 4.4.1. Removing Whitespace (Programming PHP)
returning all program output as single string: 18.23.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
reversing by word or character: 1.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
second, third, and fourth characters, extracting: 3.2.3. Working with Strings (JavaScript)
similarity between, calculating: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
splitting into an array: Splitting a string into an array (Web Database Applications)
splitting on regular expression: 13.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
SQL queries, escaping string literals in: 4.5.3. SQL (Programming PHP)
String class methods
split( ): 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities (JavaScript)
substring( ): 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities (JavaScript)
string literals: 3.2.1. String Literals (JavaScript), escape sequences in: 3.2.2. Escape Sequences in String Literals (JavaScript)
String object: 3.12. Primitive Data Type Wrapper Objects (JavaScript)
style properties, specifying values as: 18.3.2. Working with Style Properties (JavaScript)
accessing: 1.2. Accessing Substrings (PHP Cookbook)
replacing: 1.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
trimming blanks from: 1.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
trimming characters from end: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
typeof operator: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
wrapping text: 1.13.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
for XML error reporting: 11.3.8. Errors (Programming PHP)
stripcslashes( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
stripcslashes( ) function, single-character escapes: 4.5.4. C-String Encoding (Programming PHP)
stripping unwanted file permissions: 12.4.1. Get It Right the First Time (Programming PHP)
stripslashes( ): 5.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
using on $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIES: 7.4.3. Automatic Quoting of Parameters (Programming PHP)
stripslashes( ) function: 4.5.3. SQL (Programming PHP)
strip_tags( ): 11.12.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
13.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook) Removing HTML tags (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
stristr( ): Searches returning rest of string (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Extracting a found portion of a string (Web Database Applications)
strlen( ): 3.1. Calling a Function (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Length of a string (Web Database Applications)
strlen( ) function, accessing individual string characters: 4.3. Accessing Individual Characters (Programming PHP)
strnatcasecmp( ) function: 4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
strnatcmp( ): 4.18.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strncasecmp( ): 2.6.3. Comparing Strings (Web Database Applications)
strncasecmp( ) function: 4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
strncmp( ): 4.6.1. Exact Comparisons (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
2.6.3. Comparing Strings (Web Database Applications)
graphic paths: 10.4.2. Graphics (Programming PHP)
patterns for: 10.4.3. Patterns (Programming PHP)
text: 10.3.3. Text Attributes (Programming PHP)
strong elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
strong objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
str_pad( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Padding strings (Web Database Applications)
str_pad( ) function: 4.7.2. Miscellaneous String Functions (Programming PHP)
strpos( ): 6.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook) Searches returning position (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Finding the position of a substring (Web Database Applications) Extracting multiple values from a string (Web Database Applications)
strrchr( ): Searches returning rest of string (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Extracting a found portion of a string (Web Database Applications)
str_repeat( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
str_repeat( ) function: 4.7.2. Miscellaneous String Functions (Programming PHP)
str_replace( ): 2.2.4. See Also (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Replacing substrings (Web Database Applications)
switching tabs to/from spaces: 1.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
strrev( ): 1.5.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strrev( ) function: 4.7.2. Miscellaneous String Functions (Programming PHP)
strrpos( ): Searches returning position (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Finding the position of a substring (Web Database Applications)
strspn( ): Searches using masks (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strstr( ): Searches returning rest of string (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Extracting a found portion of a string (Web Database Applications)
strtok( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strtok( ) function: Tokenizing (Programming PHP)
strtolower( ): 1.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
1.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
4.4.2. Changing Case (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strtotime( ): 3.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook) String to timestamp (Web Database Applications) Validating dates (Web Database Applications)
adding to/subtracting from a date: 3.11.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
parsing date formats: 3.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
strtoupper( ): 1.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
1.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
4.4.2. Changing Case (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
strtr( ): 10.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Translating characters and substrings (Web Database Applications)
storing extensionwide global C variables in: 14.10.3. Internal Extension Globals (Programming PHP)
storing resources in: 14.13. Resources (Programming PHP)
structured access to databases: 10.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
Structured Query Language: 1.4.4. SQL (Web Database Applications)
(see also SQL)
strval( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Validating dates (Web Database Applications)
style attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
9.1.1. Inline Styles (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<applet> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<bdo> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<br> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<font> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<frame> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<iframe> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<ilayer> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<isindex> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<layer> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<marquee> tagss: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<multicol> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<span> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
style attributes: 8.2.1. Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
18.1. Styles and Style Sheets with CSS (JavaScript)
combining: 18.1. Styles and Style Sheets with CSS (JavaScript)
cross-platform style differences: 3.10. Cross-Platform Style Differences (Dynamic HTML)
display and visibility: 18.2.4. Element Display and Visibility (JavaScript)
DOM object types representing: 18.5.5. Traversing Style Sheets (JavaScript)
element positioning and visibility: 18.2. Element Positioning with CSS (JavaScript)
filtering: 2.3.6. Transitions and Filters (Dynamic HTML)
HTML, defining inline styles with: 18.1.3. The Cascade (JavaScript)
iframe element: 5.9.1. The iframe Element (Dynamic HTML)
inheritance and: 3.3.1. Inheritance (Dynamic HTML)
3.3.1. Inheritance (Dynamic HTML)
JavaScript properties corresponding to: 18.3. Scripting Styles (JavaScript)
naming in JavaScript: 18.3.1. Naming Conventions: CSS Attributes in JavaScript (JavaScript)
number limits: The <style> tag (Dynamic HTML)
proprietary: 5.6.1. The style Property (Dynamic HTML)
pseudo-element example: Using pseudo-elements (Dynamic HTML)
selecting style sheet style: 3.6.3. Selecting a Style Sheet Style (Dynamic HTML)
specifics: 3.5.1. Style Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
style rules and: 3.9. Cascade Precedence Rules (Dynamic HTML)
value types: 11.1. Attribute Value Types (Dynamic HTML)
z-index (element stacking order): 18.2.3. The Third Dimension: z-index (JavaScript)
style attributes, CSS: 1.6.1. Control Document Appearance and Content (JavaScript)
style definition: 1.3. HTML (Dynamic HTML)
1.5. Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
style (element) objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
accessing styleSheet objects: 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
embedding style sheets: 3.6.1. In-Document Styles (Dynamic HTML)
positioning elements example: 4.1.1. Setting the position Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
separating content: 3.6.3. Selecting a Style Sheet Style (Dynamic HTML)
type attribute: 3.4. The CSS Platform (Dynamic HTML)
Style object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Style object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style properties: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
components: 2.3.2. Cascading Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
CSSRule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
element objects: 3.6.3. Selecting a Style Sheet Style (Dynamic HTML)
4.3.3. Reading Effective Style Properties (Dynamic HTML)
features: 5.6.1. The style Property (Dynamic HTML)
Netscape 6 and: 2.4.3. Positioning and Layering (Dynamic HTML)
object detection example: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
page objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
recommendations: 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
rule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
W3C DOM specification: 2.4.2. Cascading Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
style properties, JavaScript: 18.3. Scripting Styles (JavaScript), CSS2Properties object, working with: 18.3.2. Working with Style Properties (JavaScript)
style property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
HTMLElement object: 17.1.3. The DOM HTML API (JavaScript)
18.5. Other DOM APIs for Styles and Style Sheets (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
style rules: 3.5. Of Style Sheets, Elements, Attributes, and Values (Dynamic HTML)
3.7.2. ID Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
4.1.1. Setting the position Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
5.11. Combining Forces: A Custom Newsletter (Dynamic HTML)
style sheets
accessing properties: 2.3.2. Cascading Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
advanced subgroup selectors: 3.8. Advanced Subgroup Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
at-rules: The @import rule (Dynamic HTML)
3.9. Cascade Precedence Rules (Dynamic HTML)
4.2.2. top, right, bottom, and left Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
11.3. At-Rules (Dynamic HTML)
block-level elements: 3.2. Understanding Block-Level Elements (Dynamic HTML)
browser variance in rendering: 2.6.5. Designing for the Common Denominator (Dynamic HTML)
cascade precedence rules: 3.9. Cascade Precedence Rules (Dynamic HTML)
classes of styles: 9.2.3. Style Classes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
common subgroup selectors: 3.7. Common Subgroup Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
CSS: 1.3. Web Content: HTML, XML, CGI, JavaScript, and PHP (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
9.4. CSS Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
properties of styles: 9.3. Style Properties (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
9.4. CSS Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
embedding: 3.6. Embedding Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
HTML structures: 3.1. Observing HTML Structures (Dynamic HTML)
modifying through scripts: 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
overlaying to different pages: 2.6.3. Overlaying a Different Page (Dynamic HTML)
overview: 1.5. Style Sheets (Dynamic HTML)
pseudo-classes: Using pseudo-classes (Dynamic HTML)
11.2.2. Pseudo-Classes (Dynamic HTML)
pseudo-elements: 3.8.1. Pseudo-Element and Pseudo-Class Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
11.2. Pseudo-Elements and Pseudo-Classes (Dynamic HTML)
setting rules with: 1.5.1. CSS Rationale (Dynamic HTML)
style attributes: 3.5.1. Style Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
styles, types of: 9.1. The Elements of Styles (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
syntax of styles: 9.2. Style Syntax (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
types of containment: 3.3. Two Types of Containment (Dynamic HTML)
XHTML and: 1.4. XHTML (Dynamic HTML)
7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1) (Dynamic HTML)
style sheets and CSS modules, DOM: 18.5.5. Traversing Style Sheets (JavaScript)
styleFloat property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
StyleSheet object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
styleSheet objects: IE currentStyle property (Dynamic HTML)
5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
styleSheet property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
CSSRule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
link objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
rule objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style (element) objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
StyleSheetList object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
StyleSheetList objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
styleSheets array (Document object): 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
styleSheets objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
styleSheets property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), document objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
styleSheets[] property (Document): 18.5.5. Traversing Style Sheets (JavaScript)
stylesheets, XSL: 12.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
stylesheets (XSLT): 11.4. Transforming XML with XSLT (Programming PHP)
B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
sub( ), String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
sub elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
sub objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
subclasses: 8.5.7. Superclasses and Subclasses (JavaScript)
6.1. Terminology (Programming PHP)
A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
subclassing: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
subject string: Changing case (Web Database Applications)
submit( ) 14. The Module (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Form object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
submit( )
Form object: 15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
HTMLFormElement object: 17.1.3. The DOM HTML API (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
submit( ) method, form objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Submit button: 15. Forms and Form Elements (JavaScript)
15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
submit buttons: 6.2.5. Submission Buttons (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Submit object: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms (JavaScript)
15.2. Defining Form Elements (JavaScript)
15.3.4. Buttons (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
submit objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
submitting forms, security restrictions on: 21.2. Restricted Features (JavaScript)
subpatterns in regular expressions: 10.1.4. Alternation, Grouping, and References (JavaScript)
4.8.5. Subpatterns (Programming PHP)
nesting: 4.10.7. Backreferences (Programming PHP)
non-capturing groups: 4.10.6. Non-Capturing Groups (Programming PHP)
replacing matched strings in: Replacing (Programming PHP)
subprocess_env( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
subsecond times: Subsecond times (Web Database Applications)
substituting new text for matching text: 4.8. Regular Expressions (Programming PHP)
substitution markers in printf( ) format string: 4.2.3. printf( ) (Programming PHP)
substr( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
1.2.1. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
4.7.1. Substrings (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Extracting a substring from a string (Web Database Applications)
5.1.4. Security and User Data (Web Database Applications)
parsing fixed-width records in strings: 1.11.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
unpack( ), substituting for in fixed-width field extraction: 1.11.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
substr( ) (String object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
substr_count( ): 4.7.1. Substrings (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
substring( ): 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript) String-comparison operators and functions (Web Database Applications)
String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
substring( ) method: 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities (JavaScript)
16.3. Reading Cookies (JavaScript)
substring( ), String object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
substringData( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
substringData( ) method
Comment objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Text objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
substringData( ) (Text object): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
substrings: 1.2. Accessing Substrings (PHP Cookbook)
2.6.4. Finding and Extracting Substrings (Web Database Applications)
replacing: 2.6.5. Replacing Characters and Substrings (Web Database Applications) Replacing substrings (Web Database Applications)
substrings, splitting strings into: 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching (JavaScript)
substr_replace( ): 1.3.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
4.7.1. Substrings (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP) Replacing substrings (Web Database Applications)
subtracting from a date: 3.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
-- (decrement) operator: 5.3. Arithmetic Operators (JavaScript)
- operator: 5.3. Arithmetic Operators (JavaScript)
subtraction (-) operator: 2.4.5. Arithmetic Operators (Programming PHP)
subtraction operator (-): 12.6. Operators (Dynamic HTML)
success HTTP status codes: 17.2.2. Client Request Successful (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
SuexecUserGroup directive (Apache): 19.34. mod_suexec (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
suffixes property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), mimeType objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
sum, calculating for an array: 5.9.1. Calculating the Sum of an Array (Programming PHP)
summary attribute, <table>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
summary property, table objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
summer time (see daylight saving time)
Sun Microsystems: 1.8. ECMAScript (Dynamic HTML)
sun property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
sup( ), String objects: 12.5. Core Objects (Dynamic HTML)
sup elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
sup objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
superclasses: 8.5.7. Superclasses and Subclasses (JavaScript)
6.1. Terminology (Programming PHP)
superclasses and subclasses: 8.5.7. Superclasses and Subclasses (JavaScript)
superglobal arrays: 9.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
superuser: The Apache HTTP server, Version 1.3 (Web Database Applications)
superuser, changing file permissions and ownership: 19.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
support functions: D.3.2.1. Support functions (Web Database Applications)
supports( ) method: W3C DOM text (Dynamic HTML)
suppress attribute, img elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
suppressing errors: 13.4.2. Error Suppression (Programming PHP)
Suraski, Zeev: 1.2.1. The Evolution of PHP (Programming PHP)
surroundContents( ): 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
surroundContents( ) method, Range objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
swapNode( ) method: IE text (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
swapping images: 5.4. Image Swapping (Dynamic HTML)
swapping memory: Performance (Web Database Applications)
SWF (Shockwave Flash) extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
switch statement: 2.2.2. switch Statement (Web Database Applications)
JavaScript: Alphabetical statement reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
PHP: 16.8.2. switch (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
switch statements: 6.5. switch (JavaScript)
5.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
2.5.2. switch (Programming PHP)
break statement in: 6.5. switch (JavaScript)
6.11. break (JavaScript)
fall-through cases in: 2.5.2. switch (Programming PHP)
JavaScript, differences from other languages: 6.5. switch (JavaScript)
in method polymorphism emulation: 7.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
switch/case statement: 12.7. Control Statements (Dynamic HTML)
Sybase extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
symbol table: 2.3.4. Garbage Collection (Programming PHP)
symbolic links: 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
calling stat( ) on: 19.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
is_dir( ) function and: 19.10.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
symbols, character entities for, HTML: 7. Character Entities (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
symbol_table global variable: 14.10.2. Executor Globals (EG) (Programming PHP)
symlink( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
symmetric difference between arrays: 4.24.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
4.24.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
synchronization, problems with caused by sessions: Timeouts (Web Database Applications)
SyntaxError object: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
synthesizing events (DOM Level 2): 19.2.9. Synthesizing Events (JavaScript)
syslog( ): A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
syslog(3) (Unix): 8.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
system( ): 18.21.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
5.1.4. Security and User Data (Web Database Applications)
system( ) function, security risks with shell commands: 12.7. Shell Commands (Programming PHP)
system administration, performance considerations: 20.4. Administration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
system call tracing utilities: 20.3.1. Unbuffered Reads and Writes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
system calls
displayed by strace( ), capturing: 18.24.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
fooling system function mktime( ) for time zones: 3.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
stat( ): 19.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
System class: 22.3. Using Java Classes Directly (JavaScript)
system requirements for the winestore application: System requirements (Web Database Applications)
System V Semaphores and Shared Memory extensions: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
systemId property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
DocumentType objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
systemLanguage property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), navigator object: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)

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